Tag Archives: Neighbourhood Plan

Kler Planning Application – Comments Deadline

Please note that the deadline for new responses to the amendments made by Kler to their original planning application for up to 36 houses on the field on the corner of the Didcot Road and Fieldside is 6th October 2016. … Continue reading

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Kler Planning Application Update

Kler submitted their original planning application for 36 houses on the field on the corner of the Didcot Road and Fieldside in April. On 8th September they submitted revisions to their application that seek to address some of the issues … Continue reading

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Neighbourhood Plan Update

The draft NDP was completed in July and, following discussion and approval from SODC, it was sent out to consultation with residents and statutory bodies.  A meeting in the village hall on 30th July was attended by over 90 people … Continue reading

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Neighbourhood Plan Consultation Event – Reminder

Don’t forget the consultation event in the Village Hall tomorrow (Saturday 30th July 2016) from 11am to 1pm  where the Neighbourhood Plan will be on display and you can discuss it with your Parish Councillors and the Neighbourhood Plan team.

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Neighbourhood Plan Pre-submission Consultation

A reminder that the Draft Long Wittenham Neighbourhood Plan has been published and the pre-submission consultation continues until 19th August 2016. If you have not already done so, please read the draft plan on the village website and send your … Continue reading

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Neighbourhood Plan – Consultation

The Long Wittenham Neighbourhood Development Plan has been published for the 6 week consultation period.  All the documents are available on the Neighbourhood Plan page (see Pre-submission Consultation Documents).  The formal notification can be found at the foot of this … Continue reading

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Neighbourhood Plan Meeting Report

The presentation given at the Neighbourhood Plan Public Meeting on Friday 17th June, along with a report of the proceedings are now available on the Neighbourhood Plan page.

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Village Character Assessment

As part of the Neighbourhood Plan process, the Steering Committee commissioned an independent group of villagers led by Mike Wynne-Jones to produce a character assessment of the village. The very impressive first draft of their labours can be downloaded here.

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Neighbourhood Plan Open Meeting – Friday 17th June

Residents of Long Wittenham are invited to an open meeting in the Village Hall on Friday 17th June at 7:30pm to discuss the final draft of the Neighbourhood Plan. The Neighbourhood Plan is nearing completion and the Steering Committee has … Continue reading

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Fieldside Planning Application – Parish Council Response

The Long Wittenham Parish Council’s formal objection to the planning application for the development of up to 36 houses on the field at the corner of Fieldside and the Didcot Road can be read here.

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