Tag Archives: Elections

May Local Elections

South Oxfordshire District Council (SODC) needs volunteers to take on paid work at the local elections on 6th May.  All residents in Oxfordshire will be voting for the Police & Crime Commissioner and county councillors, and some areas may have … Continue reading

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European Elections Jobs

South Oxfordshire and Vale of White Horse District Councils have asked the Parish Council to inform residents that they urgently need people to work at the European parliamentary elections on Thursday 23rd May and at the elections count on Sunday 26th … Continue reading

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Long Wittenham Goes Green

Long Wittenham’s new district councillor is Green Party activist Sam Casey-Rerhaye from Culham.  In yesterday’s district council elections Mrs Casey-Rerhaye, who chairs Culham Parish Council, beat Conservative candidate Fiona Ardern from Toot Baldon with a comfortable majority.  She cantered home … Continue reading

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Local Elections Jobs

South Oxfordshire and Vale of White Horse District Councils have asked the Parish Council to inform residents that there are a range of roles available for those eighteen-plus years of age at the local elections on Thursday 2nd May and … Continue reading

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Parish & District Council Elections

Only our six current parish councillors were nominated to stand in the elections on Thursday 2nd May, and as this falls short of the seven councillors allowed for the village, they will be automatically re-elected, uncontested. There will be an … Continue reading

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Local Elections 2019

A reminder that District and Parish Council elections will take place on 2nd May. Long Wittenham should have seven parish councillors, although currently there are only six.  Those wishing to stand for the parish council have until 4pm on Wednesday … Continue reading

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No Elections In May

South Oxfordshire District Council have asked the parish council to inform residents that, unlike other parts of the county, there are no elections in the district on 3rd May 2018 so it won’t be sending out voting cards or postal … Continue reading

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County Council Elections – 4th May

A reminder that elections for all sixty-three seats on the Oxfordshire County Council will take place on Thursday 4th May. Details of the election and the candidates standing can be found on the OCC website: https://www.oxfordshire.gov.uk/cms/content/county-council-elections-thursday-4-may Long Wittenham is within … Continue reading

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