Tag Archives: Community Speedwatch

Rogue Speeders

Several residents have recently been in touch with the village Community Speedwatch team, raising concerns about vehicles travelling at dangerous speeds, considerably faster than the 20mph limit, along some of the streets away from the main road through the village. … Continue reading

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Community Speedwatch Update

The village Community Speedwatch team has now been in place for one year. In that time it has checked the speed of over 5,500 vehicles, and recorded 147 drivers speeding.  The team also reports details of likely illegal HGVs to … Continue reading

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Lorry Driver Prosecuted

A resident has proved the value of reporting an overweight vehicle coming through the village. Following a report and witness statement by the resident, Oxfordshire County Council (OCC) prosecuted the lorry driver involved who pleaded guilty to the offence. He … Continue reading

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The Community Speedwatch Team is Recruiting

The Village Community Speedwatch Team are always on the look out to recruit new members and they are appealing to residents’ sense of community spirit to join them to help make the village roads safer. With a bigger “pool’ of … Continue reading

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Community Speedwatch Update

Parish Councillors David Corney and Sally Duff, co-ordinators of the village Community Speedwatch team, write … Since the village speedwatch group started in February, 15 roadside sessions have been held and over 2,500 vehicles checked.  Of those, 81 people were … Continue reading

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Community Speedwatch Update

Statistics collected by Community Speedwatch UK show how sustained Speedwatch activity contributes to a change in driver behaviour when applied consistently, resulting in lower average speeds, and thus contributing to the lowering of the number of killed and seriously injured … Continue reading

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Community Speedwatch

The Long Wittenham Community Speedwatch Group is almost up and running. Parish Councillor David Corney has recruited six residents and they have received training from Thames Valley Police (TVP).  A further two volunteers are soon to undergo training. The group … Continue reading

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Volunteers Wanted

In addition to the traffic speed check which is scheduled to take place in the near future, following the reduction of the village speed limit from 30 to 20mph, the Parish Council is also reviving a Community Speedwatch group, who … Continue reading

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Community Speedwatch

With the longer days and better weather, the village’s Community Speedwatch team hopes to be out in the village with the Community Speedwatch equipment over the coming few weeks. The data that is collected, on vehicle speeds in general, will … Continue reading

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Community Speedwatch

The Community Speedwatch campaign to curb speeding through the village has been agreed and the first appearance of the system is expected early in the New Year. Eight villagers have volunteered to help operate the system.  Five of them, with … Continue reading

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