Category Archives: Village Hall

Village History Group Meeting

Long Wittenham Local History Group will be meeting on Monday 17th October in the Village Hall at 8pm. There will be an illustrated talk: “A Short History of Long Wittenham”. All are welcome.  It is free to members or £4 … Continue reading

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Dance with Debs

The WI meets on Tuesday 12th April at the village hall at 7.30pm. Come along and learn a musical theatre dance, meet people and have fun. Just turn up and pay at the door (£5 admission).

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Village Hall 200 Club Prize Draw

The Village Hall 200 Club is a long-standing feature of village life.  In the 2019-20 year, 139 members funded £780 in prizes leaving a balance of over £900 to go towards the maintenance and improvement of the hall. There are … Continue reading

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Village Map Updated

The Village Map which hangs outside the Village Hall has been updated.  The 1.18 mtr x 0.84 mtr laminated map details street and property names to aid visitors and delivery companies and has an index with grid references. Thanks to … Continue reading

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New Village Hall Committee

The village hall has a new management committee.  At the Annual General Meeting last evening (18th June), using a video conferencing facility, Nick Caw was elected chairman, and Sue Tucker treasurer.  Clare Owen takes over the role of booking clerk.  … Continue reading

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Village Hall Committee AGM

The Village Hall Committee will hold its Annual General Meeting at 8pm on Thursday 18th June via Zoom video conferencing.  All residents are invited. Anyone wishing to attend should contact Barrie Henderson via email at by 5pm on Tuesday … Continue reading

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Local NHS Heroes Update

We are pleased to report that the Local NHS Heroes Campaign was a huge success.  More than 4,000 individual items were processed and a total of 335 individual care packs were made up for Abingdon Hospital and the county’s ambulance … Continue reading

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Local NHS Heroes Today

A reminder that the Village Hall (see below) is open today from 10am to 2pm to receive your donations of cakes, bakes and personal care items for our Local NHS Heroes. If you have requested a collection, please leave items … Continue reading

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Remember Our Past Heroes by Supporting Today’s

As the commemoration of VE Day on 8th May approaches, can you help to “Remember Our Past Heroes by Supporting Today’s” by donating personal care items, edible treats and handmade thank-you cards? On Sunday 10th May a contactless drop off … Continue reading

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Village Hall 200 Club Update

Richard May, the administrator of the Village Hall 200 Club writes: April marks the start of the new year for the 200 Club – the time when our team of diligent collectors would normally be visiting you during April and May … Continue reading

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