Category Archives: Primary School

Primary School Christmas Market

The village primary school will be holding a Christmas Market in the school grounds on Saturday 11th December between 11am and 3pm. There will be amazing raffle prizes, wonderful food from Too Perfection, Christmas stalls, Christmas games, Mrs Claus, a … Continue reading

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School Welcomes Afghan Refugees

The Village Primary school has welcomed fifteen children from Afghanistan who fled the country when the Taliban took control.  The acting head teacher, Gillian Seymour, said that while it had been a “whirlwind time for the school” the refugees had … Continue reading

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Second Hand Sundays

Emily Smout has set up “Second Hand Sundays”.  On the last Sunday of every month, residents are encouraged to put out any unwanted, but usable items, for others to take.  Any donations will be split between the Preschool and Primary … Continue reading

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Computer Appeal

The primary school Head Teacher, Ms Bellingham, has asked the Parish Council to pass on a huge thank-you to villagers for their extremely generous donations following the recent appeal for computers to help children with home learning. Offers of both … Continue reading

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Computer Appeal

Can you help our school children with home learning?  Some families are trying to manage home learning without access to a computer.  Some others may only have a phone to try and access lessons. Do you have a spare computer … Continue reading

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The Village Remembers

More than thirty people gathered at the war memorial yesterday (11th November) to remember those villagers who gave their lives in the First World War.  Concerns about Coronavirus failed to lessen the public’s commitment to the event. The commemoration was … Continue reading

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Your Community School Needs You!

Did you know that the Long Wittenham Primary School’s Parent Teacher Association (PTA) runs a monthly lottery competition?  Each month there are prize draws of £20 or £10, and it’s just £1 per month per number.  That’s just £12 each … Continue reading

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Long Wittenham School Christmas Fayre

Don’t miss the Long Wittenham School Christmas Fayre tomorrow (Saturday 7th December) from 12noon to 3pm. Come along for a traditional family fayre including … Christmas stalls, stories with Santa, Christmas games, food and drink, fun for all the family, … Continue reading

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Children Design Speed Posters

Pupils from Long Wittenham Primary school are playing their part in the drive to cut vehicle speeds through the village.  More than seventy children took part in a painting competition to design distinctive posters urging drivers to reduce speed and … Continue reading

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Royal Visitor for The House of Wessex

Braving the rain, more than one hundred people welcomed the first royal visitor to Long Wittenham in 1300 years.  The Countess of Wessex performed the official opening yesterday (27th November) of the House of Wessex, the re-construction of an ancient … Continue reading

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