Category Archives: District Councillor

Voting Today

The General Election takes place today (Thursday 4th July) and the Village Hall will be open for voting between 7am and 10pm. Information about the candidates in the Didcot and Wantage constituency of which Long Wittenham is part, can be … Continue reading

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Voting Today

Polling takes place today (2nd May) here in Long Wittenham for the Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) for Thames Valley, the elected representative who oversees how crime is tackled across the area. The candidates’ manifestos can be read on the … Continue reading

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District Councillor Community Grants

A new round of funding from the Councillor Community Grant scheme has launched in South Oxfordshire to help local charities and organisations across the district. As part of the scheme, every district councillor in South Oxfordshire has funding to support … Continue reading

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District Councillor Re-elected

Sam Casey-Rerhaye has been re-elected to the Sandford and the Wittenhams seat on South Oxfordshire District Council (SODC). In yesterday’s election, Sam, who represents the Green Party, beat the Conservative candidate Edwin Samu by 895 votes to 315. She has … Continue reading

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Voting Today

Polling takes place today (4th May) here in Long Wittenham for the Sandford and the Wittenhams seat on South Oxfordshire District Council. The candidates are the incumbent, Sam Casey-Rerhaye, representing the Green Party, and Edwin Samu for the Conservative Party. … Continue reading

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Notice of Elections

Parish Council and District Council elections will take place in South Oxfordshire on Thursday 4th May 2023. Nomination papers for these elections must be submitted to the Returning Officer at the South Oxfordshire District Council offices, Abbey House, Abbey Close, … Continue reading

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New Trees

Residents may have noticed that sixteen new trees have appeared around the village. The Parish Council is keen to support the various green initiatives to plant trees to help clean and enhance the environment, so with some financial help from … Continue reading

Posted in County Councillor, District Councillor, Parish Council | Tagged | 1 Comment

District Councillor Community Grants

South Oxfordshire District Council (SODC) has launched a new round of funding from the Councillor Community Grants scheme, with applicants being encouraged to think about funding for projects that would contribute to the district council’s Corporate Plan priorities: to protect … Continue reading

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Councillor Community Grant Scheme

A new round of funding is now open to help local charities and organisations in South Oxfordshire.  Earlier this year, South Oxfordshire District Council (SODC) awarded £165,000 worth of grants to 96 projects across the district. As a part of … Continue reading

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Picnic Table at Westfield Play Area

The Parish Council has purchased and installed a new picnic table at the Westfield Play Area. The table was funded from the the village’s district councillor Sam Casey-Rerhaye’s community grant fund. Last year, the Parish Council replaced worn out facilities … Continue reading

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